● INSTAGRAM ID: vankykhoo ●

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Birthday Dinner ♥

I wonder this post should be a food post or an appreciation post for the boyfie. Cause he is the boss that treat me the hearty meal :P
I never think of want to blog about this but you know, blogging kills boredom and yes! I'm here now haha

My birthday was on 30th of April. We went to Sunway Carnival for movie during noon time for watching "Iron Man 3". A bit paise to say that that was our first time watching Iron Man. Before this, both of us always think that Iron Man is a bit stupid that it always fly here and there then shoot here and there hahaha! But...after watching it, I felt regret for why i missed the previous episode!! Gosh! And finally i got the chance to try GSC chicken meatball recommended by my Valerie. It's nice :P

Then we went to Tao Cuisine for dinner. It is located at Juru Autocity. If I'm not mistaken, the price per pax is cheaper than the another outlet in Penang Times Square.

Here's our meal :P


Lamb Teriyaki

Crabmeat with cheese

Ebi Fried Kani Mayo *It's fried prawn with mayo

Salmon Teriyaki *I love the sauce!! but not the fish cause I don't like fish hehe

Smoked Duck *This is actually a cold cut and it's not bad

Tomyam Soup *A 'sweet' tomyam indeed ==

Chicken Ban-ban *Tastes good with the sauce

General Chicken

Sanma Kabayaki


Teppan Beef *This is really nice!! And it will be good if have a bowl of rice for it. Yum yum

Tempura Temaki

My favourite marshmallow :3

 Honey lime juice with jelly *Too sweet for me >< I don't like sweet dessert

Lastly, thanks hub for the treat and also paid for my shopping lalala :P

Bye all! ;)
Oh ya! Follow my insta: vankykhoo :D

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

[彩妆] Bloop LV Lip Gloss

这片要分享的是lip gloss哦
是HiShop提供的 可以去他们的网站=>HiShop 或是面书=>HiShop facebook 看看哦 ~

说到lip gloss嘛... 我第一个想到的就是 ‘又油又粘’ 还有就是‘奇怪的味道’ ==

可是因为这次收到的产品里面有包括这支lip gloss
所以就试用和分享咯 ;)
这支其实不油 但有那么一咪咪地粘 不过最好的事就是没有奇怪的味道!! xD
涂了后不会一直闻到什么奇怪的味道 不然整个会很不酥湖啦 ><



lip gloss颜色


刷头有斜角 可以很轻易就在唇上均匀的涂好lip gloss

已开始以为它会偏红 不过涂了后倒还好 不会过红 (可是当然 你上很多层的话当然会很红==)

我都没有化妆哦 只是画了眉毛 反而涂了后会变气色很好这样 xD

对这支lip gloss有兴趣的可以到这个连线去哦!
Bloop LV Lip Gloss (218): http://www.hishop.my/bloop/bloop-lv-lip-gloss--218-?page=2

又要继续赶功课+读书 明天还有测验 /.\

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

[保养] Touch In Sol + Nature & Co

可以去他们的网站=> HiShop 说是面书=>HiShop facebook 看看哦~
一直都觉得美白产品还蛮刺激性的 只要我用到比较刺激性的产品 就会感觉脸刺刺的或乱长痘 所以都不敢乱用没白产品
用了后第二天都没有另长痘痘哦 (大拇指)

是Touch In Sol Black Pearl Mask
看到pearl珍珠就知道是美白啦 :P

敷面膜前记得要先把脸洗干净 上了化妆水再敷哦

打开后还可以看到多余的精华液 虽然份量不多

涂抹了之后 就敷面膜咯 :D
你看! 就连鼻梁那边都那么贴着哦

而且敷的时候 完全没有刺刺的感觉 (但这是我本身试用的感觉 不保证其他人会不会都一样哦)

过了15分钟就可以取下面膜 轻轻拍打和按摩留在脸上的的精华液直到吸收为止 在上乳液就行啦~

这次我用的化妆水是 Nature & Co牌子的Pure White Lotion Light

倒出来是透明水状的 而且有淡淡的花香 好爱这个味道!! 很舒服的味道

而乳液用的也是Nature & Co 牌子的

倒出来是乳白色的 质地不会太粘稠 味道也和以上的化妆水一样 很舒服!! 

美白保养程序做完后 整个脸都亮了起来 Yayy!! :D
看起来皮肤有变好那样 xD (照片完全没edit过 有edit的也只是加字和拼在一起而已 我连打亮都没有哦 ><)

对产品有兴趣的 这里有连线哦

话说我都一直闭眼拍照 因为眼睛敏感 整个红红的 怕吓到人 :p

Saturday, May 4, 2013

HiShop Beauty Ambassador Welcome Pack

OMG! It's such a long time ago since my last update ==
And this is a late post for HiShop ><
So sorry for it cause I was rushing for the tons of assignments and crazy exam timetable TT

Okay, back to the topic!
Yess! As mentioned at the title, I'm one of the HiShop Beauty Ambassador! Yayy xD
But wait! Do you know what is HiShop??
HiShop *pronounced as hai-shop* is an online beauty and cosmetics community shop. They sell only genuine products! You can find not only cosmetics and skin care, there are also fragrance, bath/body, hair, beauty tools & accessories and other beauty essentials. They carry many brands like Yadah, ePure, Baviphat, Nature & Co and many many more! I cant finish listing here xD
Visit to their website => HiShop or their facebook => HiShop facebook to know more about it ya.
Oh ya! They provide FREE nationwide delivery for purchases over RM50! woots woots xD

Now, I'm gonna reveal what I've received from HiShop :)
Ta dang~~

It comes with a lovely pink packaging and got the discount voucher :)

(Left) Nature & Co Pure White Lotion Light - RM58.90 (180ml)
link: http://www.hishop.my/nature--amp--co/nature--amp--co-pure-white-lotion-light--180ml-

(Right) Nature & Co Pure White Milky Lotion Light - RM58.90 (130ml)
link: http://www.hishop.my/nature--amp--co/nature--amp--co-pure-white-milky-lotion-light--130ml-

(Left) Snail Street AC Trouble Mask - RM16.90
link: http://www.hishop.my/snail-street/snail-street-ac-trouble-mask

(Right) Touch In Sol Black Pearl Mask - RM5.90
link: http://www.hishop.my/touch-in-sol/touch-in-sol-black-pearl-mask-sheet-91446

Bloop LV Lip Gloss (colour 218) - RM28
link: http://www.hishop.my/bloop/bloop-lv-lip-gloss--218-?page=2

Stay tuned for my review of all the products above!
Goodnight and tata :)