● INSTAGRAM ID: vankykhoo ●

Friday, January 10, 2014

[Skincare] My Favourite Skincare Brand- Dr. Douxi ♥

**First of all, I have to clarify that this is not a sponsored post, I used my own money to buy the products and it's just my sharing :)

I always follow Taiwan bloggers and I knew Dr. Douxi because of them too! I'm gonna share about the two products that I've used and I think they are nice to use :) The first one will be the Dr. Douxi Snow Whitening Jelly (which is a jelly face mask) and the second one will be the Dr. Douxi Mandelic Essence Toner. I bought them from Hermo

Here we go with the first product- Dr. Douxi Snow Whitening Jelly. 

The lid.

As I've mentioned just now, it's a face mask with jelly texture. 

The main effect of this jelly mask is for whitening, soothing and brightening. It is suitable for all skin types especially for dull and dry skin. It is recommended for user with sensitive skin too as it has soothing effect.

After face cleansing, apply generously on your face and avoid eyes and mouth area. Leave it about 20-30 minutes then wash off. Then, continue with your skincare routine which is toner, serum and moisturizer.

The jelly mask is now on my face :)

IT IS REALLY NICE TO USE!! The jelly mask has nice smell and maybe the smell will a bit strong when you are applying the mask but after that it will turn to comfortable smell no worries :) The whitening effect is not really obvious on my face but it does brighten my face. And I personally think that it is good in MOISTURIZING! I can really feel my face moisturized even when I'm washing off the mask and I was like Oh My God Finally I Know What Is The Feeling Of Moisturizing!! Maybe my face already dry since long time ago hahaha

Next, we move on to the toner- Dr. Douxi Mandelic Essence Toner

Mandelic Acid (杏仁酸) is very good for our skin as it can speed up the skin's metabolism, soften skin's keratin and remove blackheads,whiteheads and help to improve acne prone skin. This Mandelic Essence Toner has the same effect. At the same time, the Red Wine Polyphenols (红酒多酚) inside the toner will function as antioxidants and help to brighten the skin. It is my most favourite toner and this is my second bottle of it :D 

It's texture is just like normal toner.

After the face cleansing, apply it on the face with cotton pad. Use it twice a day. It is suitable for sensitive skin too.

It has a light floral scent which I like it very much and I'm always feel happy whenever I apply it on my face hahaha! My face suka suka will pop out some pimples which make me geram sometimes arghh! But I feel my face become more stable than before I used this toner. That's why I like it! [TOUCHWOOD! Cause whenever people said my face look better then tomorrow sure will pop out another pimple ><] 

**Those words are my own experience with my skin. I have oily-combination, blemish prone skin. Not all the skincare products suit all of us unless we try on ourselves, right? I may not have perfect skin or baby skin, even I've work very hard to improve my skin condition. Yet I will still put more effort to let it become more stable!! FACE IS THE SECOND LIFE FOR A GIRL hahaha

After the face mask and other skincare routine, take a good sleep :)

So, this is my sharing about my favourite skincare products from Dr. Douxi. You can find it at Hermo

That's all! Good night Friday, Good night all of you :)

Friday, January 3, 2014


今天早上出门回到家,把牛仔裤脱了换上家居裤,才发现那件牛仔裤就这样默默地穿过了一年,突然发现一年过得真的很快!(什么烂比喻 xD) 而我就这样浑浑噩噩地又过了一年。


先说说人生其中一件不算太大的大事吧!我完成大学课程啦 :D 读书很痛苦!我到现在都庆幸自己不用再碰书啦 :D 考试赶功课真的压力到... 讨厌到... 不过我都熬过啦 太厉害惹 (自己讲 xD)

然后也因为大学课程 必须实习。实习当中认识了一些人,也学到了之前完全不懂的新知识 又很感恩。离开前都有向他们道谢 因为我真的学到了东西。实习阶段最开心的应该是放工后的时段 xD 因为和Eriol还有秋仪一起住 放工后都一直笑 笑到睡前也还在笑 和他们在一起完全没烦恼没压力整个很轻松 很勤劳的时候会去学游泳 打羽球 超怀念的 ><


还有也和男友单独去了旅行!妈啊 在一起那么久了我们还真的没单独一起去旅行过耶 好悲哀!我们去了浮罗交怡Langkawi和丽贝岛Koh Lipe。不得不说一下丽贝岛 那里的海水超清澈 一看了我就一直很兴奋地喊‘好绿哦!好清澈哦!!’ 可是浮潜对我来说真的很可怕 因为我真的很怕水 又不习惯用口呼吸 真的还好有男友在前方牵着我 不然我真的注定站在沙滩看大家浮潜了 TT
相册 :
Langkawi 6&7&8/7/2013
Koh Lipe 14&15/12/2013


[ 2014 TO DO LIST ]

1. 美白+减肥!!!
之前去了丽贝岛回来整个是黑到...我妈还认得啦 xD 可是每次照镜子我就真的很想哭很想打自己怎么黑成这个样子 TT 结果我现在每天的早餐都是两颗奇异果+一整颗柠檬榨成柠檬水来喝!这个我有很积极实行着 :D

2. 勤劳点 积极点
我这个人真的很容易被‘懒惰’打败 好糟糕哦 TT 但最近有觉悟 积极,勤劳多多少少都会有回报!

3. 工作

4. 多点更新部落格

5. 少点嫉妒
其实我这个人嫉妒心还算超强 xDDD 少点妒忌以免忽视了自己的幸福!

至于新一年,新希望嘛...希望一直健康, 家人都和气平安, 和男友感情顺利然后一直都lucky :D