● INSTAGRAM ID: vankykhoo ●

Saturday, December 31, 2011

281211♥ Fullhouse

话说原本今天会被遗弃在烂宿舍的, 结果还是回家啦! 啊哈哈哈 xD 原本还在犹豫着要读书还是写部落格的, 还是决定写部落格好了 毕竟今天是2011的最后一天嘛 得赶快把今年的东西更新完 :D

原本是打算到槟城买新衣服过新年的 因为我这里很'ulu'找不到好看的 啊不过我到了槟城还是什么也买不到 我整个很无言==! 算!还是把这篇的话题转到Fullhouse吧 ;D

到槟城的前一天烦着要吃什么好 突然间就想到了Fullhouse啦 ;D 就在Penang Times Square! 其实那边还蛮冷清的 不过Fullhouse里就还算有人潮啦~

BabyChloe坐豪华三轮车啦 \ (^o^) /


我点的Al-funghi spaghetti不好吃啦==! 浓汤很甜也不爱><

Tony's teriyaki chicken burger味道不错

Spaghetti pasta with turkey ham and mushroom cream也很甜==!

Wok-sear chicken chop with daily vegetables好味啊!

小蛋糕很不新鲜也不好吃 整个很失望这样 /.\ 而且还看到服务员在帮我们夹蛋糕的时候, 随手扔了几块进垃圾桶 我们再猜会不会是过夜了的 在我们要付帐的时候才看到他们把新鲜的摆进去 哭死啦 T.T





摩登女郎 哈哈哈!


2011再过半小时就结束了耶  我就快22岁了 *tsk tsk tsk 希望2012会是好年! 请带给我很多很多好运吧!!!

要去温书了 完全看不懂 记不得 也不想看懂 这次死定了!


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Night ♥

圣诞那晚和老公一起吃晚餐去了 到了Homey cafe去~

其实是在面子书看到他们的专页里的食物看起来好好吃才想去的, 怎知当晚的餐单都换成了圣诞餐,都是西式的 >< 不过也没有因为这样而逃出来啦 xD

这是我的意大利面 好吃好吃 \(^o^)/

这是老公的鸡扒套餐 味道还好 不过蘑菇汤呢...还是Pizza Hut的比较好喝 xD

饮料是百香果 汽汽的 不错喝 *最近还蛮迷百香果的 ==

我们的雪糕 很可爱! 


小礼物是圣诞帽发夹 所以...就有了圣诞老公啦 :D


再送上迟来的: :D


Friday, December 23, 2011


昨晚凌晨2点半才睡. 早上还没到6点就被家人吵醒. 很想打人! 搞到我现在很累可是有睡不着! 索性来更新下~

话说某天, 囧透了! 怎么个囧法咧?!

早上大巴士回大学途中, 意外拿到了免费饭盒. 心想午餐有着落可以省一餐了
其实一开始文的时候已经觉得味道不怎么好了. 结果真的是臭酸了的! 算了! 免费的不会是好东西==

结果...是过期的!! 而且处理还剩3包一样的! 不过到最后我都有吃完啦~因为真得好吃呐xD 反正吃了也没拉肚子 :O

接着就弄菊花茶喝~我喝完了整大杯我才发现... ...有虫啦T.T 证据在这里!

啊到底是怎样jek T.T

话说之前坚持了一年多想要的东西终于握在手了!爽到想撒花啦 xD
可是也因为这样,现在整个人穷死了 *泪奔 ~~~

不过还有件事更应该让我哭的.就是末期考就在下星期!我还没认真读书啦 T.T

是时候该补眠下下! 因为今天要下厨 :D

- 完 -

谢啦 :D

Saturday, December 3, 2011


 This is my aunty look for attending class. I know it's ugly but so comfortable as i no need to care bout my fringe whether it is neat or not and no need to comb it often :D Imma so damn regret to cut off my fringe last time as i already kept it long for 3 months and more. Now i need to keep it long AGAIN. Is this so called'犯贱' huh?!

Anyway, I've no idea with my company law assignment now and I feel wanna bang my head to the wall!  I feel so glad that this will be my last law subject and 'law' will stay far far away from me FOREVER! Shoo shoo stupid law! Or should i say i'm the stupid one? Whatever...

Wanna update something bout yesterday :D

After rushing here and there in the afternoon, back to Hubby's home to do assignment. I HATE ASSIGNMENTS T.T

At night, went to Pacific to get my hair treatment at Watsons. Before went into Pacific, i saw this...
Kedai 1 Rakyat Malaysia HAHAHAHA!
Don't know why i just laughed when i saw this and so curious bout it. So, we went into the shop. The things sold there are mostly branded with '1 Malaysia' and i laughed non stop in the shop==!

Snacks, carbonated drinks, rice, tissues are '1 Malaysia' brand. It's weird (for me). That's why i laughed!

Okay. Stop talking bout Kedai 1 Malaysia. HAHA
Bought a pair of leopard printed slipper at Tesco. It's just RM3.90. CHEAP and NICE! :D

Oh yea! Christmas and New Year is coming soon! It's the time to get some new clothes :D You can get more than hundred of choices of most trendy,stylish clothes and sweet,sexy dress here-Trendy&Stylish Clothes and Sweet&Sexy Dress. Do support ya and Happy Shopping! ;D


Thursday, December 1, 2011


It's the first day of December which means it's a brand new month now!
Gonna enter a brand new year very berry soon!
Christmas is coming soon and CNY too :D
Start to prey for new clothes HAHA!
Should be feel happy but actually i'm quite stress now ><
Have to finish tons of assignments and final exam will start at 31 Dec.
I cant celebrate New Year at home arghh (but actually I dont really celebrate it ==!)
This stupid short sem dont have study week.
Have to plan the study week ourselves >< I mean have to plan which class to skip so that I'll have study week! teehee :D

Gonna update more soon! Just wait yea :D